Well, turns out I hate onions, but they don't hate me. Oh the irony. Love garlic, hate onion. Intolerant, A-OK. *sigh* Life's just not fair, is it?
Also looks like I'm gluten intolerant. Durum wheat was already out, but now both oats and wheat are no-nos also. Boo. On the other hand, gluten intolerance is pretty well understood and accepted in restaurants these days. Unlike garlic intolerance!
A coeliac friend of mine (she knows about these things) suggested that I get the gluten intolerance confirmed with a doctor. I've already had a coeliac blood test though, which came back negative, so um, I don't really know what I can do, I guess it's just gluten intolerance but not coeliac. Although two little words spring into my head (false-negative) and make me think maybe I should be retested. I hate needles. But I hate being sick more, so um, maybe I should do that.
Anyway, on to yummier things! Last night, pondering the issue of not being able to cook with wheat flour, I turned to "Corn" in my favourite cook book - Stephanie Alexander's "A Cook's Companion". I spied a recipe for sweet potato corn bread. It looked yummy, but I went out on a limb to make it, because Steph was very evasive on the topic of whether it was a sweet or savoury, bready or cakey... Now I see why, it's a hard to describe thing, this corn bread... Sweet, but not really sweet, not bready, but not quite a cake. Moist and delicious is all I can really say. The only change I had to make to the recipe was to swap the sugar for honey. I'll put the recipe up when I get a chance.
I did scoff the corn bread pretty fast, but the recipe makes a lot (I actually only made a half batch and it was about an inch thick and 20cm x 20cm), so there was plenty of time for me to take a photo of some. :) And even some left to take to uni today. More Yum!
Thanks to all the lovelies who gave words of support after my last post, and indeed throughout this process. It is great to be feeling so great, and I'm so stoked that you're happy for me too. I don't have long left on this crazy diet, only a handful more foods to test. Life is certainly not going back to normal afterwards. This may be stating the obvious, but there's a mixed blessing in that. No gluten, no garlic, no cocoa. I'm also going to avoid as much as possible processed foods and refined sugars - they're just unnecessary shit really. Basically I've become a food hippie (and a soap-avoiding one too). Eating out is going to be a lot harder (more on that shortly). But then, if changing my normal food paradigm means a change to my "normal" (read fucked-up) health paradigm, then there are greater sacrifices I would make than this.