Sorry! I just dropped off the face of the blogosphere for a while there. I have an excuse. I was away on field camp taking students around Northern Victoria to do some water quality monitoring. It was great fun!
Not so fun, however, was having to cook my own meals after a long day in the field. I ate a lot of fried rice. In fact, looking back at my food diary, it seems I've been pretty much living on fried rice for about a week now. Can't be too healthy. On the other hand, all it has is lamb, rice, beans, egg, sunflower seeds, oil and salt. OK, so those last two not so good. But the others, health plus!
Anyway, I've been feeling super awesome, but I still can't quite figure out if wheat is a problem. Sometimes it seems so, sometimes not. Hm.
We introduced the nightshades last week. I don't expect you to know what they are, but isn't is such a great name for a plant family? There's even a deadly nightshade (belladonna), but I wouldn't go eating it. Anyway, the two most commonly eaten nightshades are potato and tomato. On Sunday we introduced tomato, and on Tuesday, potato. Tomato gets two thumbs up, plus an extra one for being so delicious and juicy! Potato gets another "hm" from me. I only tried it once and felt a bit yuck immediately afterwards for a couple of hours. I had, however been out all day in the field and was pretty tired etc, so that's why its a "hm". I haven't tried it again yet, but I suspect a second eating will resolve the hmmming.
And then, on Wednesday, D fell off the wagon. Oh dear. It started with a salad, then a gluten free rhubarb slice, and by dinner had progressed to a smorgasbord of Indian curries. But, luckily for him, he suffered no ill effects. This seriously dinted his commitment to the process. And then on Friday night when I said it didn't bother me, he decided to largely abandon the process. His main aim, it seems had been achieved. This was, of course, to get me to do the diet, and get me committed enough to finish it. I'm committed, although I did have a small tumble off the wagon myself on Saturday. My darling friend C is a ginger fiend and makes the most amazing ginger cake and ginger balls. On Sat we had an AFL grandfinal BBQ at our place and C made ginger balls. Oh, such a cruel temptress. I caved. And ate about 6. Possibly more. :) I was largely fine, although the amount of wine I had consumed would probably have masked any minor effects anyway. Oops. But I'm all back on the wagon now and gunning for the finish line, which is not too far off.
Still on my list of things to check are:
Red wine (we cracked this last night and seemed OK, but I'll give it another run tonight, just to be sure.
Yeast (supposed to be tried in bread, but as wheat is still iffy it might get bumped for a while)
Ginger (more ginger balls perhaps?)
Licorice (my chocolate substitute)
Gluten free pasta (I can't have durum wheat, so normal pasta is out. Some varieties of GF are fine because they're just rice or corn, but the one I like is a bit of a mix)
Beer (not a big priority because I don't like it that much anyway).
I also need to retest wheat (again), potato, and avocado. But I will probably sneak these in on off days between having tried the other things, or else exclude them until I've tried everything else and then avoid tack them on the end in quick succession.
That means I should be done by October 16. Phew. And old friend is getting married on the 16th, so I'll eat a bit of whatever at the wedding. I've already RSVPed as the most difficult wedding guest with a request for gluten free, lactose free (pre revelation), cocoa free and garlic free. I'll resume my more strict diet for a little while after that if I still have things to test. Wow, only a couple of weeks to go! How exciting!
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