Today is day 14. Today we get to start the challenge part of the diet. Today we get to eat eggs. This is great news, as we have chickens, and they have just gone back on the lay. The photo above is D peeling his eggs for breaky this morning. Yes, the eggs are slightly blue. That's the colour eggs our chickens lay!
We have 3 soft boiled eggs for breaky this morning. Then another hardboiled one for lunch. I've been feeling a bit funny since, but it's hard to tell if this is from the eggs or spill over from feeling a but funny from the oldish rice that I ate yesterday arvo. D also felt funny last night, which is why we're putting that one down to keeping our rice a little long and not to anything else.
Well, as for my crash on Wednesday night, it could be the avocado, so I've stopped eating avocado since then. However, given I had no stomach pain or anything else digestion related, I think it was probably just a good old CFS crash. I don't usually get them with quite so little warning, however I had had a couple of busy days and I've also had a bit of trouble eating enough at times. Given we've had no carbs and then very little carbs in our diet, it's pretty tricky to make sure you get enough food in to stay full for any length of time. D confessed he doesn't eat 3 meals anymore, he just eats continuously. So, I have since been careful to get enough food in throughout the day. So much so that at a training session on Friday, a colleague of mine who I haven't known for long said: "So... you like fruit then...". Cue sheepish, slightly uncomfortable look from me. "Well, so far you've eaten an apple, a pear, and a banana, and it's only lunchtime". Ok, fair cop. But you just wait til we go on field camp together, then you'll think I'm a proper weirdo.
This arvo we went shopping. D and I usually get a vegie box from uni, and buy other necessaries sporadically from butchers, grocers, supermarkets occasionally and the local deli. When we go to supermarkets together we tend to get a little overwhelmed. Relatively unexposed to supermarket specials, we go nuts for 2-for-1s and price-cuts. Today, with a limited range of foods to buy, we restrained ourselves a fair bit, but did end up buying rice milk, soy milk, and soy flour! Soy pancakes here we come (on Thursday)! We're also planning a Thursday lunch-date for edamame. Yum! And tonight, we're going to cook J's suggestion of dolmade-style lamb , beans and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves and baked. I'll report back on our success or otherwise.
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