Just a quickie to bring your attention to this:
Nightlife with Tony Delroy -Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is the primary reason for doing this diet. I manage it pretty well but do have suspicions that there are a couple more undetected food intolerances that are giving me grief. I was particularly interested to hear Leigh Hatcher mention his diet and the fact he eats like a diabetic. I have certainly been feeling better on our very restricted diet, and I will keep in mind the role of simple sugars and carbohydrates as we introduce those things. I also found the bit about lactose intolerance interesting. When I did a food intolerance test I did not show up as lactose intolerance, but I had already been off the milk for about 6 months. I am pretty sure I am in fact lactose intolerant, but this diet will give me an avenue to test this more systematically than I have previously. It is also interesting because it is a genetic condition, and therefore has some relevance to my family.
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