Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 9 - Brown rice, runnin' around in my brain...

Our diet progresses, and we're now allowed brown rice in addition to the other things. D and I had thought this would be very exciting, and we built up much anticipation before Monday (aka Brown Rice Day). However, when our Monday morning breakie bowl of rice arrived, we discovered it's really not that exciting. It's just brown rice, and we're not like my sister S who loves rice and will quite happily eat it by itself.

However, by getting a bit inventive (and because I was craving some edible sweetness and needed a quick meal), I discovered a yummy combo last night. Brown rice, poached fruit and their juices, and maple syrup. Yum! It's just like rice pudding, except without any of the things you usually put in rice pudding (apart from rice, I guess). Best dinner since starting this diet. Not that that's saying much. Every other one has been lamb, cabbage, and beans, plus or minus some sweet potato.

We have had some lovely recipe suggestions from friends. Most notably J who may well get some phone calls form me as I get more bored. She came up with dolmade-style lamb, rice and mince packages, amongst other inventive suggestions. My friend L also suggested sweet potato mash. D turned up his nose at this suggestion, adding: "I'm sure it's fine with butter". I think he has a point, but it may yet come into play.

Tomorrow we get to introduce avocados. This seemed non-controversial until I was at my aunt's place last night. When I mentioned this progression, her friend said: "Oh, I'm allergic to avocados". Uhoh, spanner in the works. I did some quick research today and it turns out both avocados and bananas can cause allergies, but this is primarily linked to latex allergies. Kinda weird. But anyway, I think we'll go ahead as planned. I also think that while it would not be ideal to introduce an allergen this early, we are probably sufficiently detoxed that we would be able to idnetify any reaction.

Moving from the "food goes in" to the "stuff comes out" part of digestion, our friend F asked about poos. F, D says: "Few and far between" (he's missing his museli). I haven't noticed a difference. I think we'll leave the topic there unless good cause arises. If we're having embarassing reactions to food along the way I'll probably stick to vague descriptions and let you wonderful people exercise your imaginations(or not, if you'd prefer!).

I realised yesterday that I am going on a camp in a few weeks. This is going to be a royal pain in the arse. It will be a pretty hectic week, and while everyone else will have their meals prepared for them I will have to slave in a very substandard kitchen (possibly only a microwave, I might need to take a camp stove I think!) to cook my own meals. Sucky. Oh well, c'est la vie! The timing of the camp will influence the order of introduction of food. It will be much easier for me if I have tested some more cold lunch foods before then, and maybe wheat and yeast (so I can make bread beforehand to take along). D and I will sit down in the next couple of days and put together "The Plan"* and I'll show you "The Plan" shortly, with a bit more of an explanation of what the premise of the elimination diet is. Til then, eat well!

*That, my darling sisters, is for you. I hope you laughed. :)

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