Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 4 - Same Same

After the excitement of Wednesday Night Dinner, yesterday was just same same. More poached fruit for breaky, more sweet potato and beans for lunch, and more fruit for snacks.

I am feeling quite good. Psychologically, the boredom isn't getting to me yet. Physically, I was quite tired for the first two days, and had some muscles aches too. Neither of these is out of the ordinary for me, but I was worried that if these symptoms got worse rather than better, I might be in a bit of strife. But yesterday and today I'm all bright eyes and bushy tailed. And, I have a flat stomach! Sorry if you don't care, but I'm a girl so I have to rave about these things. Yeah, OK, so even at the worst of times I don't have much to complain about, but I usually end up with a significant "food baby" after eating even a reasonable amount. No, I don't think I've lost weight, and no, I'm not trying to, but this bulging-stomach-after-meal thing isn't so attractive and makes me feel a bit like a snake that's just eaten a wallaby. So It's nice to be rid of it. I wonder if it was because I was eating things I shouldn't have been? Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. I guess we'll see as I add foods back into my diet.

D has never suffered from food babies, except once recently when he ate heaps of food (possibly at a WND). On Wednesday night though, he was suffering from a headache. I wonder if it was from starvation? We didn't eat until 8:30, and while the others all had delicious snacks beforehand, we were both pretty empty and ravenous by the time we ate the main meal. D especially. He even said he was grumpy. Unheard of. No really, usually it's me who becomes intolerable and childish if I don't get fed at regular intervals (more pouting faces than tanties - I'm not that bad!). I also had a bit of a headache for the first few days. Getting rid of toxins? Perhaps.

This whole diet thing is definitely making me think about food in a different way. It's a bit strange and incomprehensible to me at the moment, but I will write more about it when things solidify in my mind. At the moment I just have these random thoughts like:

Maybe we should eat like this all the time.

What's that all about? I mean, we're coping OK, but I love flavour variety and that's not something our diet is really overflowing with right now; and:

Those chocolate biscuits, I'm sure they have all sorts of fillers and chemicals in them. Hm, before I eat chocolate next I'm going to read the ingredients list. Maybe I'll just eat Green & Blacks organic chocolate only.

Where did that come from? I mean, I'm a forgetful type, but I have barely touched chocolate for almost a year now! I'm intolerant of it! That's part of the reason for doing this diet - the knowledge that I'm definitely intolerant to certain foods, but that maybe the list is more extensive than I know about.

Madness I tells ya.

And, to finish, a big thanks to all those who have told me they're enjoying reading this. I pretty much expected that my sisters would occasionally glance at it, and some of my close friends who want to know why the hell I am eating so strangely. I've been pleasantly surprised that other people are liking it, so I'll try to keep it on a roll.


  1. Ah the insanity hunger is what always gets me - there was one time when I actually managed to walk into DJs food court, buy a chocolate frog, and had eaten half of it before I knew what was happening.

    The bulging stomach thing can be an allergy thing, so it'd make sense for it to go away.

    It's pretty interesting to hear how you're going with this - as someone who has tried a whole bunch of different types of diets for a whole lot of reasons (although none quite as restrictive as this one), it's really interesting to see how you're going with it. I remember thinking similar sort of things to what you've mentioned.

  2. Totally following your progress. You had me at "lamb".
