A few weeks ago, D said to me "I think you should do the elimination diet". This comment was not completely out of the blue, as I have health problems that are serious enough to warrant an investigation of anything that could be compromising my immune system. He followed this up with "I'll do it with you." Very supportive. And then, "Lets start on after C and K's wedding, August 1". "Nope, my birthday's the following week, I want a good meal!"... "Ok, August 16 then." Hmph. And so it was, apparently, settled.
Last week we devised the list... Literature is quite confusing and contradictory. Some say bananas are fine, some say no... Eventually after some reading and synthesis we decided on the "safe list" for the first week of cleansing...
1. Sweet potato
2. Lamb
3. Cabbage
4. Green beans
5. Apples
6. Pears
8. Maple syrup
9. Sea salt
I know this is going to be a hard couple of months, but and interesting one too, I hope. I will share it with you if you would like to come on the journey.
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